Adults / Confirmed Youth
Adult Forum each Sunday at 9:15AM (September - May)
Periodic evening text studies on specific topics or books of the bible
Fellowship - help to organize and plan fellowship activities within the congregation
Member visitation - be part of a team of folks who visit members of the congregation who are unable to attend worship or could use some extra care
Property team - Coordinates care and repairs of our building and grounds -- a great group to join if you're handy!
Worship and Music - be part of the brainstorming and planning of our liturgy and music, the heart of our worship experience
Social Ministry - a group that puts together LWR school kits, serves FEAST meals, collects mittens and hats, and coordinates other service ministries
WELCA (Women of the ELCA) has a monthly Bible Study & Circle meeting on the first Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. at Van Dorn Villa.
Fellowship Opportunities
Senior Lunch - potluck luncheon on the second Tuesday of month at noon (lots of fun!) especially for older adults in the congregation and community
Church/Neighborhood picnic — food, games, and fun for all!
Don and Millie's - First Sunday of the month - join us after worship at the SE Don and Millie's Restaurant for food and conversation
Lenten Soup Suppers - Wednesday evenings in Lent (6-7pm) before our evening prayer service, join us for soup or sandwiches and fellowship time
New Years Eve party (for the entire family) - snacks, festive non-alcoholic drinks, board games, and fun! (Alcohol-free; silly hats optional)
Children / Youth
Children are invited to join the Pastor for a special Children’s Message each Sunday during worship
Activity bags for children to use during worship with faith related materials
Sunday School Classes for children 3 years of age & up (school year)
- Vacation Bible School during the summer
- First Communion classes
- Baptism instruction (as needed)
Camp Carol Joy Holling Church camp
Youth Choir
Confirmation Classes for 6th - 8th graders
Worship assistants - readers, "acolytes", communion tray assistant, usher, bell-ringer, lighting of Advent candles
Annual Christmas play
Halloween Party or Pumpkin Patch outing
Easter Egg Hunt following Easter Sunday brunch